Dr Phill’s Science Made Simple


The game of Solitaire can be frustrating. It is so easy to end up with three pieces on the board, rather than a single piece in the centre. There is however a methodical approach that always produces a win! The solution has six stages. As the first four stages are very similar, it helps to rotate the board clockwise through \(90^\circ\) after each of them.

Initial Board

The first two moves are shown. Now make four more moves to clear five of the six pegs on the right as shown below.

First Side Cleared

It helps to rotate the board clockwise through \(90^\circ\) at this stage. The next move is shown. Now make the same four moves as before to clear five of the six pegs on the right as shown below.

Second Side Cleared

Again it helps to rotate the board clockwise through \(90^\circ\) . The next move is shown. Now make the same four moves as before to clear five of the six pegs on the right as shown below.

Third Side Cleared

Again it helps to rotate the board clockwise through \(90^\circ\) . The next move is shown. Now make the same four moves as before to clear five of the six pegs on the right as shown below.

Heart Shape

Now that the four side sections have been cleared, the remaining pieces form a heart shape. The middle piece now needs to move clockwise (or anticlockwise) in a rectangle in six moves as shown.

T Shape

This is now end game where the remaining pieces form a T shape. There are four moves left.


The game is now one with a single piece in the centre!